Thursday, July 15, 2010


Whew! Last night we had quite the storms. We had high winds, torrential rain, and tornado warnings!!!!! After the storm cleared, I drove around and decided to check on the garden. As I approached, my heart sank a little. The wind had bent many things on their side. I thought the smaller stuff should be ok, but my biggest concerns were the tomatoes and corn. The tomatoes were so heavy the prior to today, they were leaning to the north. When I arrived, they were leaning to the south. I would say almost a 180 degree difference! The next thing I saw was the corn. They were laying to the south with no greater than a 45 degree between stalk and ground. I attempted to stand them up, but they just kept leaning back over. I was somewhat successful, but we had more storms later that evening.

I am hoping that mother nature will work her wonders and the corn will straighten up, but I will be preparing for the worst and will begin prepping the children for the loss on Friday.

Wish me luck!


The garden has been growing amazingly! Last time I wrote we had tried our radishes. Since then things have really started growing like crazy.

The kids have been helping keep track of temperatures and rainfall. I have a hi/low thermometer and have currently been relying on the weather channel for rainfall. We try to graph a few times per week, but don't count weekends (except for precipitation). We have had a wet summer, on some of the weekends we have had to spread out our precipitation data because it exceeded the limits of our graph!

We finally had a day where we were able to pick some green beans. The kids loved getting to pick them and eat them right off the vine! Some of them even kept some to bring in and share with those who decided not to join us.

We also got to pick some cucumbers. We picked 8 cucumbers. The kids helped measure them and our smallest was 7.5" and our longest was 11.5". The kids then estimated how many seeds were in the cucumbers. Our guess averaged in the 200's. I then sliced it and gave each kid 4 slices. Before they could eat them, they had to count how many seeds were in each slice. We came up with about 264 seeds! We did pretty good with our estimating! The kids were really excited to be picking!